2020 ushered in a new decade and a new era for the Spina Bifida Association (SBA). We have a new mission statement and strategic plan that better reflects the work we are doing and outlines our priorities and goals through 2022. Our mission statement is:
To build a better and brighter future for all those impacted by Spina Bifida.
The goal of putting people at the center of all that we reminded us that we need to change. For example, when the Spina Bifida Collaborative Care Network was created, it was originally called the Spina Bifida Clinical Care Network. SBA recognized that a proper network of care must include the voices from the SB community, including adults with SB, parents, and caregivers of those with SB.
Additionally, we now know that folic acid is not a full-proof method when it comes to preventing SB. We have heard from many mothers over the years who took the recommended dosages and followed doctor’s orders and still had a child with Spina Bifida. Many of these women felt guilty and that their child’s diagnosis was their fault. Having prevention at the forefront of our mission only added to that guilt.
With the hard work and dedication of SBA staff and volunteers, the new mission and strategic plan will allow us to take our work in many innovative directions that focus on issues that truly matter to our community. “Our work is based on what our community tells us is important to them. This will be informed with the knowledge that staff, clinicians, and volunteers bring to the table as the greatest challenges they face,” explains, President & CEO, Sara Struwe.
We look forward to meeting and working with members of our community, as well as other organizations in the disability community, on issues that contribute to positive and meaningful change for even more people. “The new mission statement and strategic plan are the perfect way for SBA to ring in the new decade. The message is simple, yet profound and full of hope for the future of our community that we are proud to serve every day,” said Nicole Gower, Immediate Past Chair of the SBA Board of Directors.
Our accompanying strategic plan is an ambitious endeavor, but we are ready to take it on. The plan outlines our method for improving and expanding our current programs and initiatives. The plan consists of seven goals that support our mission and amplify the voices of everyone in the Spina Bifida community. These goals are:
- Research
- Clinical Care
- Advocacy
- Fiscal Health
- Network Building
- Education & Support
- People & Operations
A better and brighter future is a bold and broad statement. Much like the Spina Bifida diagnosis itself, the definition varies from person to person. For us, the open-ended sentiment of the mission will allow us to take advantage of opportunities. We are the only organization in the United States that is solely dedicated to the Spina Bifida community. We will continue to advocate for a world where people have access to quality health care that allows people to pursue their passions.
We are so excited about this new chapter, and we hope you are, too! It is our honor to serve this dynamic and diverse community. We look forward to creating a better and brighter future for you for many years to come.
To view our mission and full strategic plan, click here.