The health of one’s skin is important to all and of particular importance to people with Spina Bifida. People with Spina Bifida often have areas of the body where feeling is absent and skin breakdown may go unnoticed. During this Community Information Session, Jennifer Wilhelmy, RN, CWCN, CNP discusses how taking care of your skin can expedite healing time.
A Tale of Two Wounds covers skin care, wound prevention, and rebatement with special attention to:
- Identification of risk factors common in Spina Bifida that may lead to skin breakdown.
- Key steps to maintaining health skin.
- Examples of protective strategies.
- Introduction and/or reintroduction to the Did You Look campaign.
Session recording, click here.
Session presentation, click here.
Session Q&A, click here.
Additional resources referenced during the presentation or in the Q&A:
Did You Look information – Did You Look? Skin Integrity Bundle materials were developed to help healthcare providers teach patients and their caregivers how to check for skin problems every day, and how to prevent them from happening in the first place.
Your Guide to a Healthy Lifestyle – This series will help you navigate various aspects of health care that are closely related to living with Spina Bifida. Link to skin Guide.