Blog PostsOct 26, 2022

Bladder and Bowel Management Podcast Features Voices from the Spina Bifida Community

For those affected by spina bifida, one of the unseen challenges often includes managing neurogenic bladder and/or bowel, and finding the right routine might involve some trial and error. Individuals managing neurogenic bladder or bowel often face barriers and aren’t equipped with the education or community resources to feel confident. Coloplast® Care, a free product and lifestyle educational support program for intermittent catheter and Peristeen® Plus Transanal Irrigation System users is here to help navigate the bladder and bowel journey – together.

Real Talk: Bladder & Bowel Conversations with Coloplast Care is a new podcast series that connects listeners with inspiring stories, product and lifestyle advice, and tips to help gain confidence in bladder or bowel routines. New podcast episodes are released monthly and cover everything from the basics of intermittent catheterization, to managing a neurogenic bowel with spina bifida, and more. Listen and subscribe to recent episodes featuring voices from the spina bifida community below!

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Spina Bifida and Neurogenic Bowel Management*

Sarah was born with spina bifida at the L4/L5 and L5/S1 levels, resulting in a neurogenic bladder and bowel. Sarah has been usingPeristeen Transanal Irrigation System since 2015 and has recently started using the updated Peristeen Plus system. She will share her journey through treatment techniques that ultimately led her to Peristeen Plus, along with her tips, advice, and best practices for using the system.


Caring for a Child with Neurogenic Bowel*

Lori shares her family’s bowel management journey after her son Julian was born with spina bifida. Early on, enemas were the only option available to manage Julian’s condition, and Lori recalls they were a nightmare. Desperation sent her to social media, where she learned about Peristeen Transanal Irrigation System (now Peristeen Plus) – and the rest is history. Lori will share her and Julian’s journey and provide valuable advice, best practices, and encouragement for parents who are caring for a child with neurogenic bowel.

Connect with community networks, educational resources, and reliable product and lifestyle advice to help successfully self-manage bladder or bowel routines by listening and subscribing today! Join us in conversations with community advocates and thought leaders to gain insights about lifestyle, products, and mindset.


*Sarah is a Peristeen® Plus Transanal Irrigation System user and Lori is the parent of a Peristeen Plus user and they have received compensation from Coloplast to provide this information. Each person’s situation is unique so your experience may not be the same. Talk to your healthcare provider about whether this product is right for you. The material shared within this podcast is based on the personal experience and learnings of the presenters. Nothing within the podcast is intended to be used as medical advice or used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Information from Coloplast® Care is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice and should not be interpreted to contain treatment recommendations. You should rely on the healthcare professional who knows your individual history for personal medical advice and diagnosis. Please see complete product instructions for use, including all product indications, contraindications, precautions, warnings, and adverse events.

This blog post and content is sponsored by Coloplast.
